Train More FEAR LESS!

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“The fears we don’t face become our limits.” ~Robin Sharma


The “W.O.W.” = FEARLESS!

Change is hard, and let’s face it, often it’s scary! Whatever aspect of your life that you seek to change, you will find obstacles. The key to your success is to face the obstacles…face FEAR…in order to become limitless! Let this word resonate in everything you do this week. If we are not standing tall and facing our fears/obstacles…NOTHING CHANGES!


At the Dailey Fitness/TFW Greensboro DOJO, we have a saying “TRAIN MORE FEAR LESS”! To experience true fearlessness is the gift of training. And this does not mean fear of another person or opponent, but fear of everything! Fear of your job, your potential, your future. Your state of mind is the most powerful thing you possess. You can use it to push you to your greatest success, or you can let it hold you back. Push yourself past the comfort zone, and be AMAZED!


CRAVING CHOCOLATE?! Try this VEGAN chocolate cake recipe with minimal guilt! (Be sure to skip the canola oil & use coconut or avocado oil instead!)


Get your mindset RIGHT!

CREATE your best week ever!