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The countdown is ON!

15 days left in 2013! This is precisely the time that most people push their goals into the next year & resolve to “get better later”. It’s “ACCOUNTABILITY TIME!” I’m here to tell you NOT to wait until next year to get better. I know you are busy. So am I. You know what I say??? That’s LIFE. Deal with it! The New Year will bring a new set of challenges & obstacles….so BE READY by STICKING WITH IT… NOW! Next week is a short week here at the studio with limited classes & 1-1 sessions Mon & Tues-ONLY! That means you have the rest of next week to “slack off” if you choose (although I’m going to challenge you not to!).


Still not motivated to try harder this week???

When was the last time you got too motivated? When was the last time that you ate too well? Have you ever been too optimistic or had too good of a training session? If your answer is “never” or “no”, then you still have more risks to take to see how great you can become.  CHALLENGE yourself this week! Try something new. Perform at a higher level. Workout MORE, not less. Eat BETTER, not worse. Think outside the box, better yet…LIVE outside the box! The “magic” never happens in your comfort zone…so dare to leave it! Go into the new year with CONFIDENCE because you made GREAT choices today!


The Dailey HEALTH Tip: It’s “antibiotic season”! With kids and adults passing around one bug after another, the Dr’s are passing out antibiotics like candy! To protect your digestive tract, prevent bloating & constipation, and to keep all of the systems in the body functioning properly…take a probiotic! We would ALL benefit from taking one regularly anyway, but especially when the body’s defenses are down and we are pumping pharmaceuticals into our system, a probiotics can keep the good bacteria from being killed with the bad!


Your Dailey thought…

“CONFIDENCE comes from not always being right but not fearing being wrong.” ~Peter T. Mcintyre